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Wall Mounted System

A direct extraction of oil from the barrel

Lustor wall mounted system

Lustor - Wall Mounted System

Depending on the oil consumption in your plant, the high quality Wall Mounted System might be a good option when you want to achieve Best Practice in Lubrication Management.  A colour-coded system, fully sealed, that ensures clean, safe, onsite dispensing. 

The System has the same great oil management features as the 125, 250 and 500 liter units, except it draws the lubricant directly out of the suppliers barrels.

  • System dimension: (W) 700 mm x (H) 800 mm. 
  • System weight: 43 kg
  • CE marked and Compliant. 

Testimonial by Dean Hammes on LI

A very efficient, space saving option that can be placed at point-of-use for your lubricants.

Dean Hammes

The Wall Mounted System in Operation

Since wall mounted units do not have a reservoir (they connect directly to a pail, tote or drum), there are only two modes of operation: Dispense and Recirculate.

Dispense Mode

To dispense oil from the Lustor wall mounted system, position ball handle to “Dispense” and place an OilSafe container under the dispensing tap. 

Recirculation Mode

This operation allows off-line filtration or recirculation of the oil in the pail, tote or drum. The pump will circulate the oil through the filter to improve oil cleanliness.

Position ball handle to “Recirculate”.

Duration of recirculation will vary on oil level and oil type (heavier oils pump at slower flow rates).

A typical rule is to turn-over all the oil in the pail, tote or drum 2-3 times. 

Lustor wall mounted system cover removed

Lustor wall mounted system - blue


  • Dedicated 3:1 ratio Pneumatic Pump (Option: Higher ratio pumps)

  • 3 or 10 micron filtration (3 way)

  • Filtering while loading the system 

  • Filter cartridges selected for the respective lube type, viscosity and application 

  • Quality filtration

  • Ability to kidney loop the drum

  • Air supply integrated

  • Self closing, anti drip tap included

  • Consumption meter

  • Retention Spill pallet (overall environmental protection)

  • Colour-coded identification 

  • Decanting from 20/60/200 litre drums into OilSafe fluid transfer containers or similar

  • Able to be installed into any Lube Room

  • Super compact 

  • 1 Lustor System per lubricant 

  • Option to make the Lustor System PLC controllable 

  • The Lustor System conforms to EU Machine Directory 2006/EC EN ISO 12100:2010 and is CE marked and compliant. 

Upgrade Options

• Custom Fluid ID Label • 3 Micron Filters • 20 Micron Filters 

• Pneumatic 5:1 Pump • Double Spill Pallet • Colourised Quick Connects 

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