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Lubristation™ Storage Systems

Custom made systems for storage, conditioning and dispensing of lubricants

Lubristation™ Storage Systems

The Lubristation™ family of solutions for storage, conditioning and distribution/dispensing of lubricants are custom made systems. Assembled with modular components. Always having customer needs and requirements in mind, i.e.:

  • place of use (compact or extended, fixed or mobile)
  • number and type of lubricants (oil viscosity)
  • consumption or packaging (bulk, 200 litre drums, small packaging, cans)
  • budget (from basic to Best Practice with all options)

The ultimate purpose with Lubristation™ is to protect lubricants from contamination, increase cleanliness level and keep lubricants in optimal condition while lubricators finally can be proud of their equipment.

Lubristation™ Line-up


Lubristation™ S

Standard units with HDPE tanks, electrical pumps, 3-way filtration
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Lubristation LCU

Lubristation™ LCU

Lubricant Conditioning Units with 200 and/or 50 litre drums.
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Lubristation™ C

Compact units with tanks, pumps, 3-way filter units ( 2-3 tanks per unit)
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Lubristation™ M

Mobile units with tanks or 200 litre drums, pumps, 3-way filter units etc.
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Lubristation™ R

Retrofitting existing lube room (Identical components as the LCU)
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Lubristation™ J

Storage systems and Racks for Jerry cans, small recipients
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Lubristation™ S (Standard)


The oil  (or other fluids) are stored in HDPE lubricant tanks, connected to a closed loop flexibles network and equipped with hydraulic filter units with pumps and an oil tap.


Oil is filtered in circulation on the tank (according to the required ISO4406 level), stored and protected against extra external contamination from particles and moisture with breather air dryers (Lubesec, Air Sentry).


via lubricant pump systems (standard electrical pumps) and the same filter units, the clean and decontaminated lubricant is transferred to the oil tap (with self closing taps) and can de dispensed into OilSafe cans for further transfer to machine or point of use.


  • Horizontal Tanks
  • Electrical pumps
  • Breather Dryer Lubesec
  • Filtration online (3)
  • Retention tank


  • Very compact
  • 3 lubes / m² surface
  • Flexible 1,2,3 lubes
  • Optimal protection
  • Identification
  • Best Practice
  • Options (meter, pumps)


  • The Lubristation S units are extendable with consumption meters, OilSafe Identification, etc. 
  • The systems are available in different configurations and with different options like retention tank .
Lubristation-S tank
Lubristation-S tank
OilSafe oil transfer equipment

Lubristation™ LCU-Lubricant Conditioning Units


The lubricants/fluids are stored in the original 200 or 50 litre oil drums, connected to a closed loop fixed piping network, equipped with hydraulic filter units with pumps and oil bar. The containerised lube room is standard equipped with an integrated retention floor.


The oil is filtered in circulation on the oil drum (according to the required ISO4406 level ), stored and protected against extra external contamination from particles and moisture with breather air dryers (Lubesec, Air Sentry).


Via pump (standard pneumatic pumps) and filter units, the clean and de-contaminated lubricant is transferred to the oil tap bar (self closing taps) and can de dispensed into OilSafe® cans for further transfer.


  •  Horizontal Tanks
  •  Electrical pumps
  •  Breather Dryer Lubesec
  •  FILTRATION online (3)
  •  Retention tank


  • Very compact
  • 3 lubes / m² surface
  • Flexible 1,2,3 lubes
  • Optimal protection
  • Identification
  • Best Practice


  • Consumption meters
  • OilSafe® identification

The LCU lube rooms are available in different dimensions/versions : 

  • walking door, 
  • ventilation,
  • ramp,
  • air conditioning,
  • heating ,
  • isolation, 
  • fire proof, etc.

Lubristation LCU

Lubristation LCU - dispensing into OilSafe can
Lubristation LCU
Lubristation LCU - OilSafe drums
Lubristation LCU

Lubristation™ C (Compact)

1 to 3 lubricants in 275 litre tanks/unit on less than 1 m2 !

The Compact systems are assembled with:

  • HDPE reservoirs
  • Breathers (Lubesec, Air Sentry)
  • 3 way filtration with indicator
  • QD couplers
  • an optional retention tank (bunded).  

All Lubristation™ versions are equipped with electrial lubricant  pumps, with power and type adapted to oil viscosity and with an integrated oil tap bar with optional digital consumption meters.  Alternative lubricant pumps possible.

Lubristation™ C systems are very compact and equipped according to Best Practice standards in Lubrication Reliability . I.e. lubricants are being stored, conditioned  and dispensed into OilSafe cans in the most clean manner -cleanliness control is priority.

Can be completed with the OilSafe identification system.


  • Horizontal Tanks
  • Electrical pumps
  • Breather Dryer (Lubesec, Air Sentry)
  • Filtration online (3)
  • Retention tank


  • Very compact
  • 3 lubes / m² surface
  • Flexible 1,2,3 lubes
  • Optimal protection
  • Identification
  • Best Practice


  • Meter
  • Pumps



Lubristation-C and OilSafe can

Lubristation™ M (Mobile)


The lubricants are stored in the existing drums or single HDPE reservoirs in your lube room.


The lubricant ca be filtered in circulation on the drum or the tank (according to the required ISO4406 level ), then stored and protected from extra contamination from the exterior with breather-dryers. 


Via a pumping system (pneumatic or electric) and filter the lubricant can be dispensed at the tap valve in a proper and clean way into OilSafe cans. Alternatively oil can be dispensed via flexible hoses with or without dispensing guns.


  • Vertical oil drums
  • Pneumatic Pumping System
  • Breather Dryer Lubesec
  • Filtration (3)
  • Mobile or Fixed


  • Budget friendly
  • Flexible
  • Best Practice


  • Lubristation™ M is available with digital consumption meter
  • OilSafe identification system
  • Retention hose reels. 
  • Colour-coded trolley in OilSafe colours.

Lubristation™ LU-MEP Special ATEX - pneumatic pump and anti static wiring version for 200 & 50 l drum

Lubristation LCU




Lubristation™ R (Retrofit)


lubricants/fluids are stored in the original 200 or 50 l oil drums, connected to a closed loop fixed piping network, equipped with hydraulic filter units with pumps and an oil bar with optional consumption meters


Oil is filtered in circulation on the oil drum (according to the required ISO4406 level ), stored and protected against extra external contamination from particles and moisture with breather air dryers (Lubesec, Air Sentry).


Via lubricant pump systems (standard pneumatic pumps) and the same filter units, the clean and decontaminated lubricant is transferred to the oil tap bar (with self closing taps) and can de dispensed into OilSafe cans for further transfer to machine or point of use.


  •  Vertical Drums
  •  Pneumaticl Pumps
  •  Breather Dryer Lubesec
  •  FILTRATION online (3)
  •  Retention tanks


  •  Using existing luberoom
  •  Tap bar – retention
  •  Closed loop piping
  •  Identification OilSafe
  •  Filtration 3, 10, 25 µ
  •  Options (meter, pumps)
  •  Complete lube storage


  • extendable with consumption meters
  • OilSafe identification, etc.

The container lube rooms are available in different dimensions and with different options.



Lubristation-R - taps

Lubristation-R with breathers

Label holders OilSafe

Lubristation™ J


of lubricant oils in existing packaging,


Lubricants can be protected from contamination with breathers


Oil tap via gravity

Recommended are breathers/air dryers (Air Sentry, Lubesec), to be connected to the drums, cans, jerry cans, for contamination protection from dust and moisture.

Storage system to be completed with OilSafe identfication system.

Lubristation-J rack
Identification tags on OilSafe containers


Please send us your specific requirements and we will be happy to calculate you an adequate BEST PRACTICE Quotation.

Lubrication Reliability Best Practice

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Lubristation Storage Systems custom made units

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