Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) control

Safety, Health, and Environmental (SHE) control is a comprehensive management approach and set of practices that organizations implement to ensure the well-being of their employees, protect the environment, and comply with relevant regulations. The primary objective of SHE control is to create a safe and healthy work environment while minimizing the impact of business operations on the environment. Here are key components of SHE control:


Occupational Safety: Ensuring that employees are protected from workplace hazards and potential accidents. This includes providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), training, and safe work procedures.

Incident Reporting: Establishing a system for reporting and investigating accidents, near misses, and safety incidents to prevent future occurrences.

Emergency Preparedness: Developing plans and procedures to respond to emergencies such as fires, chemical spills, or natural disasters.

Safety Culture: Fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes safety, where all employees are encouraged to actively contribute to safety improvements.


Occupational Health: Monitoring and managing factors that can affect the physical and mental well-being of employees, such as exposure to harmful chemicals, ergonomic concerns, and stress management.

Health Promotion: Implementing programs and initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle among employees, which can include wellness programs, nutrition guidance, and fitness facilities.

Medical Surveillance: Regular health check-ups and assessments for employees working in potentially hazardous environments to detect and address health issues early.


Environmental Compliance: Ensuring that the organization adheres to all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards related to pollution control, waste management, and resource conservation.

Pollution Prevention: Implementing measures to reduce or eliminate the release of pollutants into the environment, including air emissions, water discharges, and hazardous waste generation.

Sustainability Initiatives: Incorporating sustainability practices, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and responsible sourcing of materials, to minimize the organization's ecological footprint.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS): Implementing EMS frameworks like ISO 14001 to systematically manage environmental aspects and continually improve environmental performance.

Control Measures

Risk Assessment: Identifying and assessing potential hazards and risks associated with workplace activities and processes, as well as their potential impacts on health and the environment.

Engineering Controls: Implementing physical changes or modifications to equipment and processes to reduce risks and environmental impacts.

Administrative Controls: Developing and enforcing policies, procedures, and work practices that promote safety, health, and environmental protection.

Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly measuring and evaluating performance, incidents, and environmental data to track progress and compliance.

SHE control is essential for organizations to protect their workforce, minimize environmental harm, maintain regulatory compliance, and enhance their overall reputation. Many industries and regions have specific SHE regulations and guidelines that organizations must adhere to, making effective SHE control an integral part of responsible business management.